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Poetry in English


One doesn't have to be happy all the time.
And I don't think one can...

There are times you feel lost but 
without being lost you wouldn't find your own way. 

There are times you feel sad.
Sadness makes you more empathetic. 

There are times you feel desperate. 
Those times move you out of your comfort zone. 

There are times for every emotion, positive or negative. 
And it's fine. 

One can not be happy all the time. 
It would be like having the day without the night. 
Wouldn't you miss the stars?... 


It is fine...

It is fine to be on your own. 
It is just fine if you like to be alone.

There's nothing to be fixed, changed or explained. 

No reasons or why's to be shared.

It is just fine to be yourself. 


There is a poem

stuck in my head.

It doesn't let me go to bed.

It keeps peeping,

playing hide and seek. 

Keeping me from sleeping,

turning me into a freak.

Normal people are asleep,

safely tucked in their beds,

whilst my mind is all wound up 

and my hands are busy


the lyric



The power of YET


I am somewhere in between,

nowhere YET to be seen.

Neither for trainers,

nor for pumps.

(Although I quite like the high- heeled ones.)

I have jeans in my wardrobe

but dream of carrot-fit trousers.

Can't get enough of the T-shirts

while dreaming of blouses.

Want my hair straight down,

smart and sleek.

But after a look in the mirror 

it seems so weak.

Then I wash it again

and leave it to dry.

It goes wild

and I just 


So you see...

it's just not YET 

meant to be. 

One day,

I am quite sure,

I'll look in the mirror

and find the picture pure. 

No blurred lines, 

feelings and thoughts,

just me starring with smile

at the mirror dots...

One gentle wipe

and my portrait is ripe... 


The world


The fire within us

will keep us alive.

It is the fuel

that gives us the drive.

So why is it 

that so often 

we leave it almost to die?

Are we simply too lazy to give it a try?

Or is it because we think it's irrational

to follow our dreams

in this world so sensational?

Can't you see,

it's really a contradiction!

The world so unreal,

almost a fiction.

And yet we believe

our dreams are impossible to achieve... 



No sleep...


In the solemn silence 

of the starry night

my thoughts began to wander,

sleep started to fight.

I was neither sleeping

nor was I awake

I was hanging in between 

waiting to see my wake.

Hoping for a journey

nice and light and warm.

End up staring through the window

until the crack of dawn.

Marija Grah, 3.8.2023.


I need you

I need you just to be near.

You don't have to
always be 
right here...

Because I crave my silence,
to take in the day,
a small doze of loneliness,
to find my way.

I need you in a long run,
I need you to stay,
to help me fight my demons,
don't walk away...

I vow to hold your worries
and set them free for you.
I vow to hold your back
and help you always through.

I need you just to be near.
You don't have to
always be 
But if you feel it's worth it
please don't disappear... 


The thing is...


The thing is...


I am not quite sure...

How would you feel

If we just let it go,

Let it dissolve,

Vanish in the thick air,

Rather than 

Bursting in tears

And shouting

'It's not fair!' 

There is always an option

Don 't you agree,

To weigh our words

Before we set them free...

To consider each other,

Our truths,

Pains and beliefs,

Be minded of one another

Before we let in the griefs.

The thing is...


I am not quite sure...

How would you feel,

If in silence,

Without a word,

We just let

Each other



A line


There is a line

that saves my 'fine'.

If you cross over it

and then





the line will clearly show

but not as a line anymore

rather the wall


my soul...


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